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Newest Book

Turn on the Light: A touchstone to Plein Air Painting
A full-color, 136-page book by Morgan Samuel Price exploring the world of Plein Air Painting

A full-color, e-book by Morgan Samuel Price exploring the world of Plein Air Painting
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Art School in a DVD Series
$39.95 ea • #1-#6 for $149.95 • #7-#12 for $149.95 • #1-#12 for $299.90
PLEASE NOTE: Purchasing the DVDs in sets results in a substantial savings.
Three different mediums (charcoal, graphite and oil paint) are demonstrated in this 42-minute DVD, which also explains three techniques. Each medium and technique is demonstrated and discussed to give you an overview of how drawing, through the use of “value” (the shade of the color), conveys the illusion of three dimensions. This video gives you the building blocks for drawing. Great exercises to practice developing your drawing ability.
This DVD is 38 minutes. It covers: how to mix paint, brush technique, application of paint layers and numerous other related topics to explain how to use oil paint. The beginner to the more advanced artist will add to their range of painting techniques.
This 25 minute DVD discusses how the Value (shade) of color plays the most important role in creating form and form in space. It further explains how the light effects the colors you see and the colors you mix. This DVD describes how value works to reveal the form of objects, and how to make objects sit in space for creating distance. “The Value of Value” also explains that without the use of value, in addition to line, your drawings or paintings are 2 dimensional rather than 3 dimensional.
This DVD explains how to use color theory in a painting. There are numerous examples and explanations on how to paint the effect of light on an object. The demonstrations and visuals explain how this topic is the foundation of portraying the illusion of objects with light on them and how to make them sit in various spatial planes. Color is the root of emotional expression and when used effectively it creates all you require to make any illusion believable.
Technically design is the most challenging and necessary tool to use, yet the least understood. Numerous visuals are presented in a manner that makes understanding design principles clear as a bell. “What’s With Design” teaches you how to correct “18” common design blunders. Morgan presents a painting with numerous design flaws and fixes them during this demonstration with solutions that build a stronger painting. This DVD is 54 minutes long.
45-minute DVD reviewing the study of light and atmosphere. Gain insight into the study of light and atmospheric conditions that is the world of the Plein Air artist. Morgan is on location painting Plein Air with the wind coming across the river in the early morning. This easy to follow instruction separates the receding planes. Paint along as the complete painting develops before your eyes with Morgan. This DVD is 45 minutes long.
All six of the above DVDs (#1 through #6) may be purchased as a package for $149.95 plus tax and shipping.
25-minute DVD exploring ways to mix greens to match nature. The color green has it’s own hurdles to overcome. Morgan explains how to mix your greens for Nature’s colors in her endless display of green. This 25 minute DVD is designed for you to mix along with the DVD. As you watch the DVD unfold you will begin to see the numerous colors of green possibilities. Learn to mix a full spectrum of greens from very dark to very pale and including a full spectrum of reddish, warm, olive, cool blue-greens, yellow greens using many different combinations.
45-minute DVD providing an overview of location painting, materials and mixing. This DVD is an overview of what the artist looks for on location, mixing paint, setting up for on location painting and the materials necessary for painting Plein Air. There are two painting demonstrations presented in different formats. One painting is a tropical setting with palm trees and the other is a rural setting with structures. Witness various areas of development of these scenes.
28-minute DVD designed to show how to place architecture in landscapes. This 28 minute DVD is designed to show how to place architecture in your landscapes. An explanation of one point and two point perspective is explained to help you place structures in your paintings. The diagrams are developed in this DVD so you can follow the steps to use this perspective information. A quaint country home on a shaded street is painted during this demonstration with various aspects demonstrated to explain this topic.
40-minute DVD showing how to design a garden setting around a home. This is an instructional DVD on how to design a garden setting around a home. In this garden setting Morgan gives numerous tips on ways to create foliage and beds of flowering plants in afternoon light. The DVD is 40 minutes in length, and unfolds as various sequences from the beginning to the end of the painting are explained in detail.
47-minute DVD about studio artistry. The studio artist will enjoy this sunflower floral with green apples as it develops before your eyes. The DVD is 47 minutes long. Developing & painting the flowers is designed to explain how to build and construct believable sunflowers with the effects of the direction of the light. One sunflower is broken down to make this demonstration a building block for painting any kind of flower. The drawing and painting of form is discussed and demonstrated to assist the artist to create form in objects. Explains the importance of portraying the direction of the light source.
36-minute DVD demonstrating the development of a painting. Follow Morgan’s 36-minute painting demonstration from the first stroke to the last. Paint along with Morgan as she explains the development of this painting. This is a great DVD to guide the new artist into the development ofa painting. You can practice this exercise over and over. This DVD will build confidence in your painting. Once that confidence is in place you are ready to tackle more demanding subjects for your paintings.
All six DVDs (#7 through #12) may be purchased as a package for $149.95 plus tax and shipping.
All twelve DVDs (#1 through #12) may be purchased as a package for $299.90 plus tax and shipping.
54-minute DVD providing 3 watercolor explorations. This 54 Minutes of Watercolor technique is captured in Plein Air and in the Studio with three separate watercolor demonstrations. This DVD explains more than one technique. Each demonstration is unique. There is always more than one way to accomplish the building of a watercolor painting. This DVD is designed for both the novice and the more accomplished watercolorist.
George on St. George Island